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Sustainability Interest Group (SusIG)


The purpose of this interest group is to provide a statewide forum for the exchange of ideas and opportunities related to sustainability in academic libraries. The interest group’s intent is to encourage and support the actions of academic librarians and library staff in accordance with the following definition of sustainability: “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Areas of Interest

  • Sustainability in library facilities and functions (i.e. technology, waste management, energy usage, space planning, etc.)
  • Sustainability in library instruction and reference services (i.e. support for research in sustainability, use of sustainability-related topics in library instruction, etc.)
  • Sustainability in library collections (i.e. preserving information into the future and curating sustainability-related collections)
  • Sustainability as a subject of community engagement, collaboration, and outreach Sustainability in ALAO events and functions


  • To build a community of academic librarians and library staff in Ohio who share a concern for the social, environmental, and economic sustainability of our communities To allow for the exchange of ideas and opportunities related to sustainability in libraries among interested librarians and library staff across the state
  • To collect and provide access to resources related to sustainability in libraries for interested librarians and library staff across the state
  • To provide support to the ALAO Board, Interest Groups, and members in their efforts to follow sustainable practices in the planning and facilitation of events/functions
  • To advance and promote relevant sustainability initiatives across the state and beyond by developing partnerships and advocacy skills
  • Additional goals may be added as they are identified in the planning and development process.

SUSIG Events


Megan Jaskowiak (2023-2025)

Health and Social Sciences Librarian
Miami University
151 S. Campus Ave
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-1633

Lori Chapin       (2024-2026)

Manager of Innovative Spaces
Miami University
151 S. Campus Ave
Oxford, OH 45056
Phone: 513-529-1708

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