The ALAO Executive Board has funded annually two travel awards for current members of the ALAO Legislative Advocate Network to attend ALA's Legislative Day in Washington, D.C. The purpose of attending this event is to raise the profile of academic libraries in the national political arena and to educate legislators of the issues facing academic libraries and academic librarians. As members of the official Ohio delegation, these individuals (one of whom is a member of the Government Relations Team), attend a meeting of all Ohio delegates and a day of briefings from the ALA Washington Office staff. The following day is devoted to meeting with Ohio's senators and/or staff, and the members' legislators and staff.
Past recipients of this award have found the day to be very rewarding and have fostered relationships with their legislators that continue over the years. Award winners are expected to report on their experience in the ALAO Newsletter.
The application process is announced early in the calendar year on the ALAO listserv. You will be asked for a letter describing your advocacy activity and issue involvement through ALAO or other civic organizations, plus the name and phone number of a reference who is familiar with your advocacy efforts and interest. Those interested in getting more involved in advocacy efforts are urged to apply.
2012 - Alison Ricker, Oberlin College; Stephanie Bange, Wright State University
2011 - Alison Ricker, Oberlin College; Ann Watson, Ohio University of Lancaster