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Assessment Interest Group (AIG)


The purpose of the ALAO Assessment Interest Group is to provide a vehicle to discuss and share issues and developments pertinent to assessment in Ohio academic libraries. Topics of interest would include assessment of library impact and value, organizational performance, collections, student learning outcomes, rubrics, user attitudes and behaviors, as well as effective research methodologies, techniques for data analysis, and data visualization. Interests potentially overlapping those of other ALAO interest groups, e.g. information literacy or collection assessment, will be pursued in collaboration with those groups.


  • To create a network for individuals tasked with assessment in academic libraries.
  • To provide an opportunity for professional service and development within the state for individuals tasked with library assessment.
  • To encourage discussion of topics relevant to assessment efforts.
  • To increase visibility of assessment efforts across the Ohio academic community.
  • To hold an annual meeting to discuss business for the upcoming year.
  • To hold periodic workshops (at least one annually) to exchange ideas or techniques on issues or developments relevant to the assessment field.
  • To encourage and sponsor more conference sessions, presentations, and panel discussions about topics related to assessment efforts.


Any member of ALAO who is interested in assessment topics. The chair-elect will be elected each spring from the Membership; the chair-elect will serve as program coordinator for the following year.

For more information see the Procedures Manual.

AIG Events


Melissa Bauer         (2022-24)

Online Learning Librarian
Kent State University, Stark Campus
North Canton, OH 44720

 Carissa Thatcher  (2022-23)

Team Lead, Aquisitions
University of Cincinnati Libraries
Cincinnati, OH 45221

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