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About the Research and Publications Committee

Updated May 2, 2024

Spring 2024 Webinar Series

Ask the Publisher! A Q&A with the Professionals

Join us for an open forum with several library publishing insiders! Learn the ins and outs of preparing, submitting, and publishing your work. Panelists represent publications including Library Hi Tech, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, College & Research Libraries, Journal of Academic Librarianship, as well as a discipline-specific title, Journal of Agricultural & Food Information. The session will include a refereed panel discussion, followed by open Q&A where participants can ask their own questions.


The Research and Publications Committee supports ALAO members by providing opportunities to fund research projects, helping members discover available resources, and by facilitating inter-institutional research projects.

Specific Activities

See the ALAO Procedures Manual for current information.

Committee Membership

Committee members serve a staggered two-year term with the option of one additional two-year term. Membership on the committee must be sustained at five members, and a maximum of seven members.

ALAO Research Grant

We are pleased to announce the Research Grant Program for 2024. Any ALAO member may apply for up to $2000 in research funding to help cover costs for current or upcoming research projects.

More information and application instructions please see the 2024 Research & Publications Grant page

Additional Funding Sources & Programs

See our Sources of Funding page to discover other grant programs that support research in library science.

ALAO Member Publications

We regularly collect copies of book reviews and articles for display at the ALAO Annual Conference. If you would like your publications displayed, please e-mail Paul Campbell or Sarah Nagle or bring them to the conference.

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