These Bylaws, approved by the membership in a special online election held June 2011, replace the former Constitution.
The name of the organization shall be Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO).
The purposes are to advance academic library services in Ohio by identifying, studying and promoting the interests of academic librarianship and the personnel of academic libraries and to provide opportunities for education and growth for library personnel.
Section 1. Eligibility for Membership. Any person interested in the purpose of the association shall be a member upon payment of annual dues, which shall be determined by the Executive Board. Persons who have paid dues for the current membership year are considered "active members" or members in good standing.Section 2. Membership Year. The membership year shall be determined by the Executive Board.
Section 1. Officers.Officers of the association are elected annually by the membership, and assume office at a time set by the Executive Board. All officers shall be members in good standing before assuming office. The elected officers are President, Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Past President, Public Relations/Outreach Coordinator, and six Members-at-Large. President must be a member in good standing of the Association of College and Research Libraries. [amended]
Section 2. Terms of Office. The President, Vice President/President-Elect, and Past President serve one-year terms. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Chair serve two-year terms. The Public Relations/Outreach Coordinator serves two and one half years, with six months of overlap between the terms of the incoming and outgoing Coordinators. The Members-at-Large serve staggered two-year terms. [amended by electronic ballot, May 2015]
Section 3. Duties.
1. The duties of the President:
b. Appoints all committees
c. May serve as a non-voting member of any standing committee, except the Nominating Committee
d. Represents, or appoints a representative(s) of the association to other
e. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
f. Serves one year as immediate Past President
b. Serves as President, with the authorization of the Executive Board, whenever the President is absent, or if the President is unable or refuses to act, with the powers appertaining to the office of the President
c. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
d. Succeeds to the presidency
b. Receives and publishes proposed amendments to the Bylaws in accordance
with the provisions contained herein
c. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
4. The duties of the Treasurer:
b. Reports the financial status of the association at each Executive Board meeting
and submits a written statement at that time
c. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
5. The duties of the Membership Chair:
b. Ensures the accuracy of membership records
c. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
6. The duties of the Past President:
b. Chairs the Awards Committee
c. Performs other duties prescribed by the Executive Board
7. The duties of the Public Relations/Outreach Coordinator:
b. Ensures sound fiscal management of public relations funds
b. Perform other duties prescribed by the Executive Board.
Section 1. The Officers of the association shall constitute the Executive Board with fullvoting privileges. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, may appoint other
individuals as members of the Executive Board. Appointed members of the Executive Board
shall serve in a capacity that directly contributes to the purpose of the association. Voting
privileges of appointed members shall be determined by a majority vote of elected members of
the Executive Board at the time of their appointment.
Section 2. Executive Board’s Duties and Powers. The Executive Board shall develop
overall policies for the guidance and direction of the association, establish such committees as it
deems necessary or desirable to implement its policies, determine appropriate rules and
procedures to assure fair and impartial balloting, delegate and assign to appropriate officers or
members such special duties and responsibilities as are necessary to carry out the purposes of the
Section 3. Executive Board Meetings and Quorum. The Executive Board shall meet at
least twice annually. A quorum of the Executive Board shall consist of a simple majority of the
voting members of the Executive Board.
Section 4. Nominations, Elections and Vacancies.
each Executive Board vacancy.
2. In addition, the Nominating Committee shall place in nomination the name of any
other member whose candidacy is proposed by at least 25 members of the association.
3. Before placing the name of any person in nomination, the Nominating Committee
shall have determined the willingness of such person to be a candidate and that the person is
a member of the association and somehow affiliated with Ohio academic libraries. [amended]
4. Election shall be by a simple majority of valid votes received. In the event of a tie
in an election, the Executive Board will break the tie by a ballot considering the
recommendation of the Nominating Committee. The President will make the final decision if
the Executive Board vote is evenly split. Any challenge from the membership must be filed
with the association Secretary within 30 days of the public announcement of election results.
A challenge by 25 or more members will result in a repeat ballot for the challenged position.
5. If the office of Vice-President/President-Elect is vacated prior to the expiration of
a term, the Executive Board shall arrange for a special election as soon as is reasonably
possible, but no later than 60 days after the office is vacated.
the President, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a member to fulfill the
duties for the remainder of the term. Consideration will be given first to candidates not
elected in the most recent election.
Section 1. Membership Meeting. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the membership.
Section 2. Special Meetings. Other meetings of the membership shall be called by the
President upon the written request of at least 10 percent of the members or request of a majority
of the Executive Board. At least 14 days notice of a Special Meeting shall be given to all
members. The purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the notice.
Section 3. Quorum. A quorum for membership meetings shall be 15 percent of the
Section 1. Eligibility for Committee Membership. Members of all committees and those
in interest group leadership positions must have paid association dues for the membership year
concurrent with the beginning of their appointed terms, and remain members in good standing
throughout their appointed terms.
Section 2. Nominating Committee. A Nominating Committee composed of at least three
members shall be appointed by the President promptly after each annual meeting. The
immediate Past-President shall chair the committee.
Section 3. Program Committee. A Program Committee shall be appointed by the
President promptly after each annual meeting. The Vice-President/President-Elect shall chair the
Section 4. Awards Committee. An Awards Committee shall be appointed by the
President promptly after each annual meeting. The Past President shall chair the committee.
Section 5. Other Committees. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board,
shall appoint and dissolve other committees as appropriate.
Section 6. Interest Groups. Interest groups organized for the purpose of discussing
specific concerns and issues in the field of academic librarianship may affiliate with the
association as deemed appropriate by both the interest group membership and the Executive
Board. Interest groups shall govern themselves as long as their procedures are not in conflict
with these Bylaws.
The principal affiliation of the association is as the recognized Ohio chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, itself a division of the American Library Association. The association may affiliate with other organizations provided such actions are approved by a simple majority of the members voting on the question.ARTICLE IX. AUTHORITY FOR PROCEEDINGS
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall
govern all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board unless they are specifically
contravened by these bylaws or any special rules of order the organization may adopt.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, its assets are to be distributed to other organizations with purposes similar to ALAO, and used for public purposes.
A proposal to amend these bylaws shall be filed with the Secretary and placed before the membership for consideration provided such proposal is sponsored either by at least 25 members or a majority of the Executive Board. The Secretary shall submit such proposed amendments to the membership no fewer than 14 calendar days before the election in which they shall be considered. The amendment shall be adopted upon approval by a two-thirds vote.Amended: Article IV, Section II, May 2015