Title: ALAO 2014 Spring Support Staff Interest Group Workshop
Date of Event: May 21st, 2014
Start time: Registration 9:30 – 10AM, Conference starts at 10AM
End Time: 3:00PM
Location: Rooms 414 and 415 in Brasee Hall, Ohio University Lancaster, 1570 Granville Pike, Lancaster, OH 43130; Campus maps will be sent out to all attendees a week before
Description: The ALAO Spring Support Staff Workshop will offer a variety of presentations to meet the diverse needs of support staff working in Ohio Academic Libraries. Douglas Morrison and Jeffrey Corbett of Lorain Community College will be offering the keynote, “Student Engagement as Library Outreach”. Presenters from schools through out the state will offer break-out sessions on a range of topics including participating in ALA’s Support Staff Certification program, managing student workers, copy cataloging with RDA, reducing stress with time management tips, and building positive relationships with supervisors.
Mailing address for checks:
Ginna Witte
1006 Anderson Ferry
Cincinnati, OH 45238
Additional questions:
Myra Justus
A Chapter of the Association of College & Research Libraries, American Library Association
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