Archive: Strategic Plan
Updated August 3, 2001
- To contribute to the professional development of all academic library personnel in Ohio.
- Objectives
- Provide professional development and networking opportunities through the annual ALAO Conference, ALAO Interest Group workshops and meetings, and other jointly sponsored conferences and workshops.
- Recognize an outstanding person in academic librarianship through the Jay Ladd Distinguished Service Award.
- Explore ways to cooperatively work with the Ohio Library Foundation in using their trust fund.
- Work with other appropriate library organizations to secure an ACRL conference in Ohio by the year 2005.
- Support professional growth of graduate library science students through activities such as scholarships, and conference and workshop registration discounts.
- Fund, in collaboration with the Ohio Library Foundation, a scholarship for a minority student at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science.
- Investigate broadening support for educational activities to include all library service personnel.
- To enhance the capability of Ohio academic libraries to serve the needs of current and potential library users.
- Objectives
- Encourage exchange of information among library personnel through the ALAO Newsletter, website, and electronic discussion list. Solicit contributions from the membership for inclusion in any of ALAO's communication organs.
- Promote and support issues of diversity within the Association. Encourage active input from the Human Diversity Committee.
- Recognize an outstanding person in academic librarianship through the Jay Ladd Distinguished Service Award.
- Provide professional development and networking opportunities through the annual ALAO Conference, ALAO Interest Group workshops and meetings, and other jointly sponsored conferences and workshops.
- Investigate broadening support for educational activities to include all library service personnel.
- To promote and speak for the interests of Ohio academic libraries.
- Objectives
- Inform legislators, other public officials, and the members at large on matters regarding academic libraries and related information professions. Build up the legislative network to communicate with legislators. Support an active member of the advocate network's participation in ALA's Legislative Day in Washington, D.C.
- Foster greater commitment for academic libraries among college and university administrators on the local, regional, and state levels.
- Encourage participation of ALAO members as candidates for ALA Councilor-at-Large.
- To promote study, research, and publication relevant to academic libraries.
- Objectives
- Award a research grant to an ALAO member. Encourage increased number of applicants via appropriate avenues.
- Fund, in collaboration with the Ohio Library Foundation, a scholarship for a minority student at Kent State University School of Library and Information Science.
- Support the Research and Publications Committee's effort to identify and display the published works of ALAO members.
- Explore ways to cooperatively work with the Ohio Library Foundation in using their trust fund.
- Investigate broadening support for educational activities to include all library service personnel.
- To provide sound management.
- Objectives
- Continue to effectively manage the financial resources of ALAO through a sound budgeting and administrative process.
- Make effective use of ALAO's communication organs to ensure that the information and communication needs of the organization and the membership are being met; promote electronic discussion list participation through threaded discussions and increased publicity.
- Continue to publish an effective newsletter and maintain an up-to-date website at the lowest possible cost; assign responsibility for content to the appropriate Board member; solicit contributions from the membership for inclusion in any of ALAO's communication organs.
- Make budgetary and programming efforts aimed at increasing participation in workshops and conferences of support staff and library personnel working at small libraries.
- Review internal operations to clarify responsibilities and organizational structure, in particular for the Membership Chair and Public Relations Committee.
- Review the ALAO Objectives and Directions and revise as necessary.
- Provide mentoring and leadership training for all elected and appointed ALAO officers through the annual leadership retreat and other avenues.
- Work toward ways of becoming less dependent on the paper manual by making more of the manual's information available on the website.
- To recruit and retain ALAO members.
- Objectives
- Identify an ALAO member from within each institution having members, who is willing to serve as a membership liaison, working closely with the Membership Chair in actively recruiting and retaining ALAO members.
- Produce an updated list of current ALAO members at least twice.
- Contact ACRL to get an updated list of ACRL members.
- Proactively recruit new members, targeting Ohio ACRL members who are not also ALAO members.